Políticas - Area Project Solutions

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Quality and Environment Policy

Below is an extract, validated by management, of our Quality and Environmental Policy (Edition 1, 01/17/2018):

From Area Project we are aware of the importance of the natural environment. We are a technology-based company that does not forget the importance of nature and the need to pass on a clean and healthy environment to future generations. Our objectives in the different departments that make up the company are configured thinking about how important it is to meet today's customers, but also tomorrow's users. For this reason, we apply rules in our day to day that make us develop our work in coherence with our objectives and vision of the world.

With these objectives, Area Project has established a Quality and Environmental Policy. It has also integrated into the strategic direction of the company which allows us to extend our objectives to the treatment and service of our clients.

As proof of our commitment, we have integrated the standards of the Quality and Environment System UNE-EN-ISO 14001: 2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 -internationally recognized credentials-. All this with the aim of effectively reducing environmental pollution. We integrate energy efficiency principles into our production cycle and we participate in the principles of reducing our ecological footprint by moving towards a goal of eliminating the maximum of carbon emissions and packaging, especially plastic. We trust that all of this brings a higher quality standard to our daily work.

To meet these environmental and sustainable objectives, Area Project is committed to providing the necessary structure and financial resources to all company personnel.

In addition, from Area Project we want to thank all the workers, collaborators and staff, for their day-to-day commitment to recycling, the efficient management of the energy necessary for the performance of activities.

At Area Project we want a better world through technology without forgetting our commitment to the environment.


Security policy

Below is an extract, validated by address, of our Security Policy (revision 1.3, 08/20/2015):

Area Project clients trust us with their projects and ideas. That trust is based on the fact that we protect your data privately and securely. The information in our security policy is intended to provide transparency about how we protect that data. The Area Project security policy aims to set the high-level guidelines to follow so that all information processing related to the business processes indicated in the scope are carried out safely and only by authorized personnel, as well as protecting the organization information in the event of possible loss of confidentiality, integrity and / or availability.

In Area Project there is a team dedicated to security. The code of our security team is to protect the data you store on our service. We run a security program that includes the following focus areas: product security, infrastructure controls (physical and logical), policies, employee awareness, intrusion detection, and assessment activities.

We periodically evaluate our infrastructure and applications for vulnerabilities and correct those that could affect the security of customer data. Our security team continually evaluates new tools to increase the coverage and depth of these evaluations.

Therefore, we establish the information security policy for Area Project based on the requirements set forth in the information security standard ISO 27001: 2013, thus ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Area Project information systems and of course, guaranteeing compliance with all applicable legal obligations.

For more information about our security policy, contact us Click here.


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